Canine public policies shouldn’t be created from media reports

Dr. Gary Patronek and his colleagues, the authors of a ten-year study of dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF) did something not attempted before or since—they gathered their data from massive accumulations of reports and interviews done by officials, from investigating officers to coroners and pathologists. Previous work on the subject had always been based on collections […]
Red herrings and just plain lies: Insurance companies vs. dog loving families

There has been much discussion lately explaining how denial of insurance coverage based on the breed of one’s family dog is a practice that discriminates against and unduly penalizes both less affluent customers and people of color.
Welcome to the Dog Park: No Dogs Allowed

Florida dog park opens, but dogs that act like dogs are prohibited
Dog Bite Prevention Week Fact Sheet: Companionship is the best prevention

You are your dog’s first line of defense.
Breed-Specific Legislation is myth-based and ineffective according to the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB)
AVSAB released a position statement expressing their opposition to breed-specific legislation.
New Edition of “Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions”

Second edition of “Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions” Released.
“Please don’t make me bite you”: A dog’s eye view of dog bite prevention

This week is Dog Bite Prevention Week, and here’s something that most press releases, websites, and lists of do’s and don’ts may not mention: Dogs will do their part to prevent dog bites. All they need is a little help from us. That dog in front of you doesn’t want to bite you. Even if […]
NCRC Interview with Bill Bruce on Ineffective Dog Laws

Bill Bruce, Calgary’s Director of Animal and By-Law Services discusses ineffective dog laws such as breed-specific legislation, pet limit laws, and mandatory spay-neuter, and why these broad-based forms of legislation are ineffective. NCRC Interview with Bill Bruce on Ineffective Dog Laws
Winnipeg, Manitoba far behind Calgary in community safety

A paper published last week in the Journal Injury Prevention attempted to make the case that “pit bull” bans in Manitoba may have been effective in reducing dog bite injury hospitalizations (DBIH, in the language of the paper). [1] In attempting to do so, however, the authors revealed that the bans, applicable to the overwhelming […]