
National Canine Research Council is growing.


National Canine Research Council (NCRC) is growing. Janis Bradley, who joined NCRC last year, has been named Director of Communications and Publications. The current Director, Donald Cleary, will continue working with NCRC as a policy and research consultant. Donald co-authored both The Problem of Dog-Related Incidents and Encounters, a handbook for police responders, published by the […]

Breed-specific legislation in Australia: a cruel mandate imposes big costs


The City of Monash has spent almost $100,000 defending itself in court cases involving dogs targeted by the breed-specific provisions of Australia’s Domestic Animals Act. Cardinia, a suburb of Melbourne, spent $80,000 on a single case involving a dog that the court later determined should not have been taken. The dog was returned to its […]

“Police and Dog Encounters” Training Videos Released.


National Canine Research Council (NCRC) is happy to announce the release of “Police and Dog Encounters”, the law enforcement training series developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, NCRC, and Safe Humane Chicago. The training series was developed to help officers keep themselves, their communities, and the […]

Ádám Miklósi of The Family Dog Project joins NCRC Advisors


Dr. Ádám Miklósi, head of the Ethology Department at Eötvös University in Budapest and one of the founders of the world-renowned Family Dog Project, has joined the NCRC group of advisors. Dr. Miklósi is a leading authority on the social competence of dogs, the mental abilities that make possible the unique relationship that is the human-canine bond. […]

Florida animal services agency strikes breed labels from kennel cards and website


Evidence has mounted in recent years that guesses as to a dog’s breed or breeds usually do not correspond with breed identification using DNA technology. Different observers, even those engaged in dog-related professions, frequently disagree with each other when looking at the same dog. Animal behavior and ethology studies have demonstrated that we cannot reliably […]

Neuroscience May Confirm What Many Dog Lovers Already Know


Dog owners regularly attribute emotions such as love and loyalty to their pets, and may be just as regularly dismissed for doing so. The Dog Project, being conducted by Dr. Gregory Berns, a neuroeconomist at Emory University in Atlanta, has detected canine brain activity suggesting that dog owners may have the last laugh. Dr. Berns […]