Unvalidated, unreliable, and unnecessary: Evidence for the case against formal behavior evaluations for shelter dogs

A 2019 article demonstrates that no canine behavior evaluation used for shelter dogs meets accepted scientific criteria that would justify routine use in shelters.
When Doctors Stray Outside of Expertise

Study finds that the literature on dog bites written by human health care professionals is rife with distortions and errors, and laden with rhetorical devices that mischaracterize dog behavior and grossly overstate the actual risk of dog bite injuries.
When you do the math, behavior evaluations flunk

Article authors demonstrate why when a shelter dog tests positive for dangerous behavior, it is much more likely that the test has failed the dog, rather than the dog having failed the test.
How to Use National Canine Research Council’s Website

National Canine Research Council’s website is complete with both familiar & new research and resources. Included in the change is an evolution into a canine behavior science and policy think tank.
The Telephone, Science, and Dogs

In the press and in the academic literature, a complex version of Telephone is played every day. If not diligently and knowledgeably researched, reports in the press and the scientific literature may distort messages contained in the underlying reports they are citing.
New Edition of “Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions”

Second edition of “Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions” Released.
“Police and Dog Encounters” Training Videos Released.

National Canine Research Council (NCRC) is happy to announce the release of “Police and Dog Encounters”, the law enforcement training series developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, NCRC, and Safe Humane Chicago. The training series was developed to help officers keep themselves, their communities, and the […]
Outstanding new resource for police officers who encounter dogs in the line of duty

The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) just published a new manual for police officers entitled “The Problem of Dog-Related Incidents and Encounters.”