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‘What kind of dog is that?’: Dog experts needed to participate in new University of Florida survey regarding visual breed identification

Assisted in part by a grant from the National Canine Research Council, the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida’s School of Veterinary Medicine is conducting a national survey of dog experts (breeders, trainers, groomers, veterinarians, shelter staff, rescuers, and others). Based upon responses to an online survey, Program Director Dr. Julie Levy DVM, PhD, DACVIM and her collaborators will compare responding experts’ best guesses as to the breeds of 20 dogs in a series of photographs. Guesses will also be compared to the actual DNA breed profiles for each dog. All dog experts are encouraged to participate by completing the 10-15 minute survey, and by forwarding news of the survey to their colleagues in the same fields. The deadline for participation was June 15, 2012.