Cincinnati, Ohio eliminates breed ban from city code of ordinances
On May 16, the City Council in Cincinnati voted to repeal the city’s breed ban. Cincinnati’s repeal follows the historic repeal of a statewide breed discriminatory statute in Ohio, which occurred earlier this year in February. Two months after Ohio Governor John Kasich signed the repeal, the Cincinnati City Council convened a task force to […]
Maryland Court of Appeals’ Decision Unfairly Burdens Dog Owners, Landlords, and Shelters

The recent Maryland Court of Appeals decision in Tracey v Solesky modifies the common law in Maryland regarding liability for bites attributed to dogs the Court alternately referred to as “pit bull”, “pit bull mix” or “cross‐bred pit bull mix”. The decision establishes a strict liability standard for persons who own, harbor or control “pit bull,” “pit bull […]
After 25 years of ineffectiveness, the State of Ohio finally eliminates statewide breed-specific law

After 25 years, the State of Ohio has eliminated its statewide breed-specific law. Gov. John Kasich signed the bill Tuesday morning eliminating the law that automatically declared the “pit bull” to be an inherently vicious dog. Ohio’s breed-specicific law was enacted in the summer of 1987, but never resulted in the improved community safety it […]