
Insights and Articles

National Canine Research Council
The Telephone, Science, and Dogs

The Telephone, Science, and Dogs

In the press and in the academic literature, a complex version of Telephone is played every day. If not diligently and


Dog Bite Prevention Week Fact Sheet: Companionship is the best prevention

You are your dog’s first line of defense.

Are you happy? Disgusted? Your dog can tell the difference

Once again researchers at the Family Dog Project in Hungary have confirmed an ability that dog lovers have long suspected

Breed-Specific Legislation is myth-based and ineffective according to the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB)

AVSAB released a position statement expressing their opposition to breed-specific legislation.


New Edition of “Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions”

Second edition of "Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions" Released.


Breed-specific legislation on the decline

  Breed-Specific Legislation on the Decline : 5 more states no longer allow BSL & more than 7x as many U.S.

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The latest National Canine Research Council post
The Telephone, Science, and Dogs

The Telephone, Science, and Dogs

In the press and in the academic literature, a complex version of Telephone is played every day. If not diligently and knowledgeably researched, reports in the press and the scientific literature may distort messages contained in the underlying reports they are citing.

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