
“Police and Dog Encounters” Training Videos Released.

National Canine Research Council (NCRC) is happy to announce the release of “Police and Dog Encounters”, the law enforcement training series developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, NCRC, and Safe Humane Chicago. The training series was developed to help officers keep themselves, their communities, and the dogs they encounter safe.

Hosted by retired Chicago police superintendent Terry Hillard, the videos feature police officers in situations they routinely encounter on duty and dog behavior expert Brian Kilcommons demonstrating real-life scenarios with SWAT and street officers. The goal is to introduce options and strategies police can use to better understand and deescalate encounters with dogs to keep themselves and communities safe. The videos are broken into five 10-minute segments and also contain commentary and perspective from legal experts. The video series is available at no cost through the COPS Office Community Policing Training Portal.

The companion booklet, “The Problem of Dog-Related Incidents and Encounters,” is also available as additional information to the videos.